Asking More from Your Career

Originally published Jan 4, 2017.

Today’s blog topic is perhaps a slightly more left of field compared to what I would normally discuss on the site, but it’s one that I think is very important. Many have spoken on the topic of life paths and human purpose, though usually it’s not often discussed through the focus of a younger generation. I want to put a question to you.

It can be confronting to stop and ask a question like this, especially at such a young age. For most this time is a fairly transient and confusing period of life. With so many new opportunities and people to meet, existential matters are generally not on the agenda. As a “young person” myself, I am always curious about these topic topics. Often I wonder what it would be like if more of us stopped at younger ages to really flesh out what they might potentially want out of life.

Most of us fall between two spectrums, the first being that we mostly shy away from setting big goals, it’s overwhelming and the future is a distant and uncharted place. The other spectrum is where many set huge goals for themselves, yet they may reach a point where eventually it seems increasingly impossible to achieve them and other aspects of life fall across the path. Perhaps you even sit across both spectrums, it’s different for all of us.

I have come across people from all types of experiences and have heard many talk about the structure of their life path. I’ve found in most cases many are often left to quietly contemplate what they would’ve done differently, had they asked themselves explicitly what they wanted out of their life and career.

So after all of this we want to know: Are you the kind of person that is driven by goals or do you prefer to move at a slower pace and just soak up opportunities you come into contact with? Have you always known what you want from the word ‘go’, or have you jumped across many positions to reach where you are today? Obviously our choices are heavily dictated and shaped by our experiences and circumstances. For me life is best spent doing the things that truly matter and that I find add to my own sense of purpose.

It’s the age old question for all generations. Is your glass half empty or is it half full?

In Summary:

  1. Start Somewhere: Have clearly defined goals

    Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to begin setting achievable goals for yourself. Write a list (no matter how big or small). Just start somewhere!

  2. Next Steps: Consider many options

    Don’t limit yourself, but it is important when assessing the list to consider the big picture. Think about what it will take to realistically put this list into motion.

  3. Recruit: Gather your resources

    Resources can be physical things and they can even be other people. Who inspires you and will motivate you to apply yourself in these new endeavours?

  4. Finally: One step at a time

    Nothing worth while is easy! Focus on what you really want and utilise all of your resources. It’s important to also take time to refocus on your goals as often as needed.

I’d love to know if these ideas struck a chord for you, feel free to continue the discussion below in the comments.